November seems to be the month for orchids to put out new flower shoots. We now have three of ours putting out new shoots.
Orchid flower shoot
Orchid flower shoot - slightly out of focus
Orchid flower shoot
Planted Asparagus
Nov 04, 2018
We lost all our asparagus due to very cold spring and neglect so trying again! Autumn planting is unsual but quite feasable, particularly here in Cornwall.
We got 10 of each and they are planted in two rows 5, 5, and 5 each alphabeticly from the bank.
Asparagus set out
Asparagus put to bed
We got ours from D.

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Camellia - flowering in October
Oct 27, 2018
Again this year the Camellia is flowering really early - end October. This is its second year and last year we put early flowering down to the disturbance of replanting but there isn’t that excuse this year.