Tomatoes Gardener’s Delight and Mandarin seedings are through and now under a light. Cucumber Baby F1 seeds sown in propagator
Senshyu autumn onions now have roots
Oct 14, 2019
We set out the autumn onions (Senshyu) about a week ago and a few jump out, or are pulled out, each day. They now have roots.
Senshyu onions with roots
Sweetcorn Harvest
Aug 14, 2019
Sweetcorn harvest well underway. We have about 8 or 9 in the freezer and have eaten about the same number.
We grew the variety Swift, an F1. Sown in plug trays 14 March in greenhouse on the propagator; planted out last week of April in a 5 by 5 block. The wind got two rows so we were left with a 3 by 5 block.

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