Autumn 2013
It’s a year now since we planted the windbreak hedge on the south side of the part of the big garden nearest the house.
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It is mostly Olearia virgata laxifolia with some Rosa rugosa and the old bay tree and olive we brought from Ipswich. The olearia has been a real success. They have grown from about 600mm when we planted them to over two metres. I cut them back to about 1.8 m a and thinned them out to lighten them a few weeks ago. I fed them well in the summer and they got a bit top heavy for our rather light soil.
The grass has done well too. We sowed a mixture of slow growing dense grasses in spring, so its now about six or seven months old and in need of feeding, which will wait until March now.
The top end is gradually coming under control. We planted twelve asparagus crowns last year and it will take all of our self-control not to pick any come the Spring.