
Just so I remember stuff…

2021 Starts

Greenhouse controls updated. Raspberry pi in a new waterproof box from Timeguard. Added second heater outlet. Second 1200mm propagtor tray. One 120W for germination and peppers and one 60W for aubergines. 120W tray, when covered, keeps 75mm pots 12C above air temperature. Sowed tomatoes gardeners’ delight, aubergines moneymaker, and cucumber baby F1 Pots on propagtor Read more →

Autumn sowing - peas, beans and garlic

Sowed a row of Kelvedon Wonder peas (about 130), and five short rows of Aquadulce broad beans as well as 18 of own saved garlic cloves. Pinch of Rootgrow in each garlic planting hole. Peas and beans soaked over night and sprinked with parafin to discourage mice. Read more →

Onions update

Planted 96 Senshyu onion sets, since they were so successful this year. Planted where potaoes were last year. This year's onions Read more →