
Just so I remember stuff…

The hedge is waking up

I think spring is going to be with us a little earlier this year than the last two years. The Sea Buckthorn buds are opening and the Blackthorn blossom buds look as if they might open any day now. These bushes are in the hedge we planted in about 2012. Sea Buckthorn Blackthorn blossom buds Read more →

Sowed first peas

Sowed a first row of peas - 70 Kelvedon Wonder. Spread about 500g our own woodash along the row and soaked the peas in parafin to put off mice. The ground was fleeced for a few weeks before sowing and the fleece replaced after sowing. Read more →

Lots of orchid flower shoots

November seems to be the month for orchids to put out new flower shoots. We now have three of ours putting out new shoots. Orchid flower shoot Orchid flower shoot - slightly out of focus Orchid flower shoot Read more →